Submissions by Bluedragon tagged fantasy

Genre: Single Player, Adventure, RPG, Fantasy Strategy, 3D.

Platform: Pc, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS.

Target Audience: It gives to the player some fantasy with a unique bread style, to let it know that, is not just a simple slice of bread, IT IS THE SLICE OF BREAD. Gives to the player some intense and epic battle with counting your abilities, and you have the initiative to take decisions that can affect you in the future. The game is for Kids of 6 years to 20 or more.

Game Description: Your name is Bready, he is a noble knight from the breakfast kingdom and you have been called for one hardest missing, save the princess from the “Hand “, which now he is missing, you have to find him to rescue the princess and return her ti his kingdom. When the session start someone says... -This mission requires a powerful men with skills and stronger for this mission. This was your chance to make history and be recognice as a hero.

In the actual demo, you will see your character in third person and can rotate the camera to look around you. Your first objetive is investigate the scene of crime and get into any establishments to ask for any idea where this villain went.

Your character have a bag filled with basic items like an egg yolk (health pot), your dairy and your sword. Also you can put armor to your character, at the beginning, you only have a tiny helmet on top giving you 3 armor. By passing territories, you will encounter some enemies that by defeating them, you will earn XP and items that you can sell or use (armor, weapons, or bags of money).

When you earn money, you can use it in the blacksmith or the market. The blacksmith will provide you weapons, for example > swords, Double-Handed sword, knifes, others... and the markets will provide armor or potions that gives you more benefits, Examples of armor > Heavy armor, Light armor, others... And for markets are > Regen pots, Strength pots, others.

The enemies will apear in the land moving around or in line. If they touch Bready it will be an instant battle scene. You can't attack while you are moving so be careful with your steps.

In Battle, you have 5 Buttons in the menu (Attack, Defend, Items, Run) that you have to choose to make an action or response. At the end of the battle the button spare and beat will appear as an option because, you dont have to force yourself to punch in the face a enemy that cause a little problem, this is up to you. We don't have to be cruels all the time so give it a chance and remember this too, don't spare all the enemies. It will cause another event.

The character counts with 10 hp and 1 of damage each hit, also you count with 2 habilities that you will select when you level up. The first one is Double Slice (Grants you double damage depending of what sword you are carring and can crit if you have swords with bonus crit) and Removed from the oven (gives you 2 extra damage and can crit). When you level up, the game gives to Bready 10 hp and 1 of damage when you level up. Also your weapons have crits. Abilities will have cooldown of 3 turns or 4 turns depending of abilities you are using.


For this i will take keyboard as an example.

AWSD > Movement

E > Select and talk

I > Inventory

P > Pause

M > Map

Ctrl > Slow movement ( Hold )

Space > Jump

Mouse > camara

In battle (you have the option of using only the mouse but also the keyboard for fast actions).


Left button > select


A > Attack (Then you will select if you want basic attack or abilities)

S > Defend

D > Items

When the enemy is near to death it will show you the button spare or beat. REMEMBER... this option will affect you in others occasion.

Music in the prologue will be fancy and funny, in other worlds the music will change depending of the ambient.

Image Credit: << >>

P.S. Don't judge me, its cute.