Submissions by Bluedragon tagged cleaning

Genero: Ecosystem, Cleaning, Platform, Multiplayer, Solo.
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo DS (actual DS), PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox one.

Target audience: For Young people to make an important message that the world is getting more worst and you can be the example for a better future. The game will be for ages eight and up, most likely up to twenty.

Game description: The game will be about cleaning time, you have timer limit and your character has the mission of clean all as he/she can in that time. For ages of 8 to 20.

The map is big, so you have to found all the trash around posible. In game, the only items you have are a standard bag, and your hand, as we said in the map you have trash throwed but, in extra of those remains have items that can increase your stats and your way of collect refuses.

Some items can increase different things, for example: if you found a medium bag, the inventory will increase. If you found sneakers shoes, you will able to run faster, If you found a vacuum, well, we know this point..

The way you got points is putting all the trash in one of the 5 dumpsters around the map, this will give you 5 por papers, 10 plastics and 20 in cans. In bonus points there will be a recycles bin that will appear around (but just one) the map with a time limit of 20 seconds, it will doble your points for a better opportunity to win the game.

The time of game will be around of 5 minutes, depending of which game mod you select.
In multiplayer, there are going to be four player challenging them self to do their best to recollect all as they can around the map in a time limit, or you can play with friends in a private match.

Your character counts with 2 items that benefit the player with passives included and your stick or hand to pick up the trash. The controls are

  • AWSD for movement (Left,Right, Up,Down).
  • Ctrl to crouch.
  • Move the mouse to look around.
  • Enter to put the trash in the dumpster or recycle bin.
  • E for recollect objects and pick up trash.

Music background will be funny and relaxing with squeeze sound with rubber ducks, that makes you feel comfy <3.

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