Submissions by ben.wal7029 tagged furniture

Aim of the game is to stack and move furniture, whether its in your home and putting it all in one room, or trying to load stuff onto a bus or stack things on a car. Think tetris with more annoying shapes and hazards like when stacking on the car the movement of the car makes poorly stacked stuff topple, or the bus can only have the stuff come in at certain angles. To add to the difficulty you are controlling a man who is carrying these items and he is wobbling over to the pile so you must line him up before he gets there. Game would be points based but there can even be alternative modes where you just stack a whole lot of stuff up and then watch it ragdoll or fly apart in the wind. Another degree of difficulty could be that the wobble in the mans gait makes the item actually sliding across the screen meaning you need to course correct the entire time as opposed to just lining it up