Submissions by ben.wal7029 tagged day7

You are a member of a mining guild whose job it is to excavate and build dungeons for various clientele, Vampires looking for a safe place to sleep during the day, crazy mages needing a place to run experiments unfettered, any and all jobs are accepted and you are forced to work. The danger pay is crazy though.

Board game where as the players move they flip cards that make up the new dungeon and do different things, some cards might help finish rooms off and give them a polished look, some might cause a cave in, some may even cause monsters to take up residence before you can finish..or leave. the goal is to get as much of the dungeon done before leaving without dying. if multiple people leave its the person with the most points who wins. Can either play cooperatively or competitively, even have expansions with diffferent styles of dungeons perhaps