Submissions by ben.wal7029 tagged day-12

Bar setting where you play against a little old lady, very fortune teller-esk... she deals you 5 cards tarot in a cross,

1 ......2


4 .......3

and five in a cross for herself, all face down. You both then flip your own matching cards up (eg the 1 card in your cross and the 1 card in her cross) the cards all have a value, and a fate on them.


card 1= 2 points

card 2= 3 points

card 3=3 points

card 4= 4 points

card 5=5 points

Each fate affects your character or if you played in real life might mean you had to do something if their value is higher, but you can still lose the first 3 flips and still win the game. Winning the game would be changing fate, whether something cool in game or by making the other person do something you want and "changing their fate" cards would be valued 1 to 11, everything beats 1 but 1 beats 11 and winning with a 1 scores double for that card flip.

card fates would read the fates like death, lover, stranger, innocent, weary. Stuff to be vague enough but heavy enough for people to freak out over

Can be played as an in-game mini game or as a real card game

Bounty hunter set in the West, of course. You have your trusty horse and travel round the town collecting bounties and then hunting down the men. You can find information on the people you are hunting and then scope out the area they are frequenting, and can then go in guns ablazing and kill the mark, or try maim or surprise them and take them in alive and cash in. Gear up with unique and interesting equipment to make elaborate or surprising take downs, a string-line crossbow, boomerang arrows, caltrops that can by remote controlled(by eye). Other gear like flashbang grenades, whiskey bottle bombs, wrap around crowbar on his hat, spurs on the boots that can moved to the front that can climb walls. Game is played from third person, with money earned from bandits and bounties, where the character shoots dual revolvers and can grapple and use a modified lasso