Submissions by ben.lle6370 tagged rpg

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Incarnicade is a permadeath rpg about invoking demons from the Ars Goetia for the purpose of learning from them in order to improve your strengths as an invoker, and to pursue your personal interests, whatever they are, whilst trying to survive their encounters.

The Ars Goetia is part of a 17th century spell book that specifically details the 72 demons said to be sealed by King Solomon into magic vessels in the 10th century. The objective of Incarnicade is to summon these demons for personal use and gratification. Modern legends state that these demons have escaped their prisons by unknown means and are currently residing in the hell they came from. You are an invoker with the power to summon them, but you do not initially have the experience to know what you will summon or what the demons are. You can create basic hexes of protection out of chalk around yourself and around the demons, but different demons will react differently, sometimes negatively to these hexes. Your objective is to communicate with the demons you summon without them harming you, with the intent to learn from them or use them to your whims. Demons possess great powers, such as the ability to lead armies, the ability to tell complete truths about anything, and the ability to create ingenious ideas, but not all of them will want to help you. Some of them will try to bait you out of your protective circle, and others will deceptively pretend to be trapped by your protective hexes waiting for the right moment to kill you, amongst many other things..


  • A game about dangerous encounters with demons, and learning. Converse with and negotiate with them and learn their behaviors and personalities to gain supernatural advantages above your fellow man.
  • Use the knowledge of legendary creatures to pursue your objectives, such as wealth, truth, strength, magic powers, brilliance, assassination, and political sabotage.
  • Use past experiences with these demons to learn how to negotiate with and survive them, discovering new ways to use chalk hexes and identify their patterns to sabotage your attempts to learn from them and react accordingly.
  • An interactive drawing system allowing you to create shapes on the walls roof and ground, all containing unique meanings and purposes for you to discover.
  • Permadeath. If you die in an encounter, you will lose everything except for the knowledge of your previous failures. Failure is a skill, learn to use it.

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Aspects is the first MMORPG with a true sandbox focus. You're not the destined hero set on saving the world just like player #254,659 and player #67890023, you're a person, and that's what makes you different. Humanity consists of good and bad aspects, and they're all defined by the differences in people. This game is not an illusion, you are not given freedom at the cost that you discover it within constraints on a path of NPC conversations who send you on a series of quests you have no personal investment in, because the world is about the aspects of your humanity and how you define yourself, and not the story someone else uses to define you.

The game is set around a feudal fantasy like many MMO's where you start off as just a person within a communal living quarters. You have no quests, but an entire world to discover at your will and an opportunity to do so with the people around you if you desire. You are never explicitly told to do anything by the game and you are never provided a giant manual on all of the games aspects because you are here to discover your own. As you interact with the world you will discover your options, such as the ability to steal, help, and harm others, whatever you want to do. As the game understands your aspects the game will only then provide you information on how to pursue the things you like doing further, at your own pace of course.

The game is built around the idea that if a player is good enough to do something, they should succeed without being prevented by invisible walls or invincible characters. There are no level restrictions on areas or enemies, no invincible town guards. If you want to surpass things faster than you normally would with a group of friends, that is your strategic choice to make and the game will reward you for it. If you want to throw a player hub guarded by strong NPC's into anarchy and you are strong enough to do so, you can. With enough strength, you and your friends could choose to murder every NPC guard and install yourself as a dictator over major player hubs to satiate your own greed and lust for power. Or you could move far away from all the violence, build a home for yourself in a purely PvE area (as defined by server hosts), have a small farm and animals, find an instrument, and play Midi files through it for fun. Because the world consists of many aspects, and in any self respecting game that claims to offer freedom, the choices should be yours to make.


  • Freedom is heavily emphasized. If you want to play the game like a traditional MMO, grind monsters and complete quests for rewards, you can form a guild of mercenaries and pursue those objectives, that choice is yours to make.
  • If that isn't an aspect of MMO's that you like, the rest of the world is even deeper and you will get to decide what that means to you and what your purpose is.
  • The community has the power to shape the game the way they want it. Server hosts can make the game world cater to PvP, PvE, or both, even allowing for the creation of custom content such as world maps and client-side plugins.