Submissions by ben.lle6370 tagged decision-making

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The God Curse is an open ended narrative game about questioning your morality through the use of a supernatural gift that allows you to heal people with one hand and pass on their burdens with another. The objective of the game is to make the player determine how they would use a superpower limited by their human capabilities, and within those limitations, determine who ethically deserves to live and die. With enough focus, the player can even resurrect the dead by passing on death itself to another, but this is not an easy feat.

With one hand, the player can create a beam of energy that alleviates people of their wounds and diseases, but the process means that you are not nullifying the conditions, rather you are transferring them onto someone else. In other words, for every person you heal, you have to condemn another person to the negative afflictions, which by choice could be yourself or someone else. Whenever you heal people you significantly drain your capacity to do so again for a time, meaning that unless you want to die, your healing abilities have to be conserved.

People know about your gift, well enough for people to approach you with offers to use you like a service, well enough for people to plead with you to help their loved ones, well enough for people to tell you who they think deserves to live and die. Certainly well enough for them to condemn your every choice at one turn or another.


  • Encounter instances of catastrophic accidents and intentional attempts to harm other people, play god and decide who deserves to live and die.
  • Communicate with people as they offer you money to help their family, plead with and blame you for your actions, remembering that the choices you can make are limited.
  • An ethical conundrum where the player has to evaluate what is inherently right or wrong in scenarios that only they are capable of helping at the expense of someone else.
  • You are important, nobody else will ever be like you. If you die, nobody will live on with your ability to help people in the future. Sacrificing yourself isn't an easy decision to make. .