Submissions by andrewwelsh tagged noodle

In Poodle my Noodles you play as a poor chef trying to make meals as cheap as possible. After playing with his pet poodle, the chef realized that the dog's hair was pretty much the same as noodles, but thinner. The player would be required to shave poodles coming past on a conveyor belt, having their hair fall into a magical pot of water. The hair would stay in the water for an entire day, over which it would slowly transform into noodles. Once the player has shaved all of the dogs for the day, they would need to go to the front of the shop to serve customers. How many customers the players serves would depend on the number of dogs shaved the day before, as if the player runs out of "noodles" they would need to turn customers away. Serving customers would require the player to correctly make the order. This would include giving the right ingredients with the noodles, along with any extra things they may order such as drinks.

Image from retrieved 20/8/2016