Submissions by adrian.campbell tagged shooter

Target Audience: People who like drama, mysteries and action.
Genre: Shooter, Interactive Movie, 3D
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

It will take place in Boston, where Danny lives. Danny is a 40-year-old man who's having the best time of his life: beautiful wife, wonderfully educated kids, a big house and the CEO of COMMANDO Inc.. One day, he gets the bad news that his wife and kids died when she picked them up from soccer practice and suffered a traffic accident. Danny, devastated about the news, goes MIA, trying to move on, until he gets a call from Sean. Sean tells him that the traffic accident was staged, which leaves Danny shocked.

Days have passed since the encounter and Sean calls him again to meet at the café. A reluctant Danny accepts to go meet him. Sean was able to retrieve an audio footage from the person that wanted his family dead, proving he was right. The traffic accident was staged. When Sean proves his point, a sniper tried to shoot Danny a headshot. When the sniper is pulling the trigger, he gets a phone call. His phone ringing scared him and pulled the trigger by accident. The shot accidentally killed someone else at the café. Danny, Sean, the customers and staff of the café ran away and Danny drove to his place with Sean.

Sean tells Danny that he got the footage from POLYAC (the player takes Sean's position, in a flashback, infiltrating the company to get the footage.) POLYAC is the main competitor of Danny's company. Sean tells him that he has a plan. He gives Danny a Desert Eagle to shoot Andy Wowznick, POLYAC's CEO, but must remain unnoticed inside POLYAC. Danny agrees and goes to kill that person.

When Danny gets to Andy he has to kill, he tells Danny that he knows who he is and who sent him to kill him; that it was Sean who staged the traffic accident; that Sean has plans to take over his company. He then shows a video footage of Sean staging the traffic accident, getting everything organized in POLYAC to kill his family. Danny, enraged, shoots at the person. Even more enraged, Danny goes to Sean's house to confront him if he's lying or not. Sean lies, and then Danny shows the video footage he got from Andy. Sean then finds out that he can't lie anymore.

Danny has to choose on whether let Sean go away or kill him on the spot with the very same Desert Eagle Sean gave to him. If Sean goes away, Sean, ironically, dies in a traffic accident, but it's his fault this time because he was speeding on the highway, afraid of what would happen if Danny catches him. But, if Sean is killed on the spot, Danny let all of his demons go away, leave the company to the COO and move to the woods, leaving everything he had behind.

The game will take place in a third-person camera angle. If the player wants to, he/she can see everything on first-person perspective (through Danny's eyes).

Controls (when on foot):
X-A (hold): Run
X-A (multiple clicks): Sprint
Square-X: Interact
Circle-B: Jump
Triangle-Y: Toggle to see everything on Danny's perspective
Left joystick: Move
Right joystick: Change camera angle
L2-LT: Aim
R2-RT: Shoot
L3-L3: Take cover
R3-R3: Reset camera angle
Touch Pad-Right: Change camera zoom

Controls (when driving):
R2-RT: Accelerate
L2-LT: Brake
Circle-B: Handbrake
X-A: Look back
Triangle-Y: Get inside/leave the car
Square-X: Look back
Left joystick: Steer
Right joystick: Change camera angle
L3-L3: Honk
R3-R3: Reset camera angle
L1-LB (hold) and right joystick or scroll of touch pad (Only PS4): Change radio station

The game will have a wide variety of ambient music. When the ambient is intense, intense music will come up. When Danny arrives at POLYAC, POLYAC has an orchestra in the background. The café will have a chill music; and, when driving, the player will have the choice of what they want to listen to. There will be 6 radio stations, each with different programming.

  • Pop music
  • Rock music
  • Oldies
  • Jazz
  • Opera
  • News and Talk Shows.
  • Controls by console: PS4 (X)-Xbox One (A)

Género: Carreras, 3D, Shooter
Plataforma: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PS4, Xbox One
Target de Audiencia: Personas de 18 a 30 años, personas que les encanta las carreras con un toque de acción y adrenalina.


Este juego está ambientado en Miami. Se trata de un chico llamado Stan, que cuando llega de un entrenamiento de fútbol americano, se encuentra a su padre en el piso, muerto. En la autopsia confirman que su padre fue envenenado. Cuando Stan s enteró del resultado de la autopsia, él se dio la misión de encontrar al asesino de su padre, que se encuentra en Seattle. El asesino se encontraba en una misión para matar al padre de Stan. Mientras Stan viaja por el país, en varias ciudades que visita se encuentra con secretos que su padre ocultaba de él a lo largo de su vida, además de conocer personas que lo ayudarán a encontrar al asesino de su padre. En cada ciudad capital de cada estado en la que Stan vaya, él tendrá que correr una carrera dos oponentes. Si Stan no gana la carrera, Stan no podrá salir de la ciudad y tendrá que esperar 24 horas (10 minutos reales) y ganar la carrera. En cada ciudad que vaya, se encuentra con un arma que lo ayudará a matar al asesino de su padre para cuando llegue a Seattle. En el momento en que llegue a Seattle, tendrá que encontrar el edificio en donde se encuentra el asesino. Cuando llega, tendrá que disparar a cada persona que lo detenga para llegar al asesino, para cuando llega a la oficina del presunto asesino, se encuentra una carta que el asesino le escribió para que se lo encuentre en Pike Place (una plaza muy popular en Seattle). Cuando llega a Pike Place, Stan ve al asesino, para darse cuenta que el asesino era su abuelo. Su abuelo vive en Seattle. El abuelo mató a su padre porque el padre de Stan nunca quiso que él fuese parte de su vida, conllevándolo a que no conociera a Stan. La historia se acaba en base a la decisión de Stan, si matar a su abuelo o no matarlo y no hablarle nuevamente en su vida.

Se juega con las teclas WASD y nitro se activa con N, se dispara con espacio y se cubre con C.

El soundtrack del juego depende de la música que el usuario elija. Tiene a disposición la librería de música del juego, (que tiene, por lo menos, 5 géneros musicales: Top 40, Jazz, Rock/Metal, Opera y Country) y su librería musical guardada en la computadora.