Submissions from 2024-04-04 to 2024-04-05 (29 total)

Sadly didn’t have a huge amount of time to work today, mainly finished off another project (finally)

I did start working on adding nets to my fish soccer game and I’m also planning on writing some crappy algorithm / ai for the fish tomorrow

Hi again!
Today I added: Indication for interactable objects, when pressing space it brings up a little- uh- ""menu"". Right now the animations for the stove and sink play in a random order. Will try adding the ability to grab food out of the fridge and do stuff with them by tomorrow. I also made 2 more songs because why the heck not. Oh and I finally remembered to replace the Drive-Thru Window placeholder i guess.

a fishken if you will.mp414mb

Heya y'all! Today I was mainly focused on them sounds! You could probably hear them in the video. I'm kinda mixed on the archerfish sound effect. What do you guys think I should do with it? Also i started work on a settings menu. Just things like sound and other bobbies. (Also once again I am aware of the background looking 🤮. I am working on that.

2024-04-05 18-55-54.mkv4mb

Today I worked on enemies. I also cleaned up the code from my previous days and changed some of the graphics.

Hello again! I'm back to share progress on my shotgun wielding goldfish game!

Unfortunately i was not able to finish all of the levels as planned but here is what i did get done:
1 made a level transition screen
2 added sound for: enemy death, player shoot, player reload, player death, door open, checkpoint obtained, level cleared, stationary cannon shoot, and a whooshing sound when near spinning spiky balls
3 created and implemented music using beepbox (it is not very good but i did not best any tips would be greatly appriciated)
4 made the second of five levels
5 made the sprites for the ending cutscene of the game
6 made a template for the starting screen that gives the backstory of the game

I'm looking forward to working again tomorrow
I've attached the slower title theme and a layout of the second level!


i got nothing done today because i got caught up on this: (im using godot)

func _on_area_2d_area_entered(_area):
if Input.is_action_pressed("space"):

the "if input action pressed" simply isn't working, anyone know why?

Something simple to start

Here is a lame cutscene I made for the story in my game, also I know I'm not very good at art, but that's the best I got.


Hello every one!
Today i've burned whole hour (out of 3 i have) just to learn that filling polygons with triangles is NP complete problem - looks like i need to start making sprites ; )

Internal notifications are working, and for now i use these to communicate keyboard with GUI, and switch from menu to game view.

Tomorrow i'll eventually add playground for my trout (which is right now only a silhouette xD.

PS - also i learned how to record gif's on my Mint xD

I added more fishes as planned expecting the puzzle game to be a bit more challenging. But it turned out to be a nightmare to play. It was harder to keep track of which fish does which. I guess I should have adjusted the art to make each one more recognizable. Maybe change the patterns on the fish's skin according to their effects (like draw an X on fishes that flips X pattern). But I'm no artist and it would take too much time to draw new ones, so I'll just keep this for now.

But aside from visuals, it become too much time consuming to solve too even after I removed a number of fishes that I recently added. So I decided to introduce a new mechanic: Skills. These shall overwrite the default fish behavior but has cooldown time to use. I made a quick mock up and used invert filter as placeholder immediately loved how it looked. Thus, Nightmare mode was born.

I now have 4 game modes:
Easy - 4x4 grid, 3 fishes
Normal - 6x6 grid, 3 fishes
Hard - 8x8 grid, 5 fishes
Nightmare - 8x8 grid, 9 fishes

I scrapped a few of my fishes and locked them away for now. But I got distracted because of the new mechanic I introduced that I spent the next few hours just coming up with more crazier mechanic. I thought about freezing skills, or maybe even random zigzag lightning patterns. I thought about adding weather mechanics, customizations, a boss fight heck even collectible fish gacha.

I fell back to my bad habit of spending most of my time just thinking of more concept rather than actually progressing on my actual project. I lost track of time, and by the time I noticed it I had written almost 3000+ lines of notes. I panic when I noticed the sunlight creeping in through my blinds. Its morning already.

Wth, I just wasted my whole night doing nothing again! I had to wrap it up now cause I still need to write this devlog. And in my rush, I accidentally closed my note app (i use sumblime btw) and with my foggy brain I actually clicked 'No' on the dialog asking me if I wanted to save. I just literally scrapped all the things I wrote the last 8 hours or so. Dang~

Anyyway, I think its for the best. I should never have started writing new ideas in the middle of the jam. I would never be able to implement them! I should just focus on finishing my current project, as is, instead of making it more complicated. Then maybe just work on updating it AFTER the jam instead. I need something to be finished before I think about expanding.

So here is my progress:
☑ Updated Core Mechanics
☑ Playable Prototype
☑ 9 Fish types
☑ 4 Game modes

and i simplified my to do list for tomorrow to just two things:
☐ fix the UI
☐ music & sfx

I'm dropping a lot of stuff cause I don't want to miss the deadline. I want to actually finish something this time. But for now, I should take a nap before my actual work. Can't wait for the weekend to come.

I've finally finished my first level, and especially the switch system. Next step, a new level.


This day, I changed a bit my habit. Less code and more spriting.

I'm not sure if my sprite are relly nice but hey, it's something! :)

The screens is still quite empty, the goal tomorrow is to add some stuff background in the background and some decoration.

A view of some play time and how far I am on Day 4


Salomon - Game2 - WebGL - Unity 2022.3.5f1_ _DX11_ 2024-04-04 18-03-30.mp442mb

I Was so Busy Coding and Bug Fixing that i didn't manage to post the day#2 and #3, mainly because i keep forgetting theres even this thing.... anyhow i have made a big improvements over the old day#1... ive made almost 10% without the proper dialogue and child-ish minigame!

2024-04-04 21-49-32.mp424mb

Never got as much time as I would have liked to today and I have a social event so looks like no late evening dev session with a glass of wine and a bowl of nachos.. shame.

I'm constantly surprised by things I think will be numerous entities or tens of lines of code that actually turn out to be single-liners or project configuration.

  • Created a custom mouse cursor
  • Added SFX for on mouse hover and on mouse click events for my two title screen buttons
  • Reconfigured the spawn range of my food spawners to fall within the world boundary
  • Added scene transitions for moving between title screen and game

Lots learned in such a little space of time. We're getting there people!
