Finally done! ;-) Holidays and gamestreaks don' t really fit.

My idea was to bring a simple, but amusing concept to life:

Guess the correct amount of marbles to win.

Play it here

This time, as suggested, I used specific ranged randoms to adjust the difficulty. The result is really a much more intruiging gameplay.

Thanks to your feedback, I added some sound for the audio feedback and added two more stages to the gameplay.

Stephan9 years ago

Yeah, really great now with the improvements. Simple and elegant.

Anja9 years ago

Thks for playing! I´ll updated it a bit. For the visual progress feedback, I could imagine a container with all marbles from one stage which are vanishing during the stageprogress.

Bobbo9 years ago

I wasn't expecting counting marbles to be that much fun, but this was an entertaining little game. It was fun to see how my brain can only count marbles as fast as I could say the numbers to myself in my head. Once I just sort of half focused and didn't try to "say" each number as I counted I did much better.

I beat the game with only 2 total wrong. I wasn't sure how long it was going to last or which level I was on. Maybe some feedback on how much more I had to go would be nice.

Nice effort!

Stephan9 years ago

Whoa, that was harder than I thougt. Great game.

Could be improved by giving more feedback to the player, visually and audio, if he/she succeeds in this round or not.

Stephan9 years ago

Looking forward to it. :)

More submissions by Anja for One Game a Week

This was the most relaxing project so far. It's not a game, I just created this evening a little toy for having fun.

Play it here

You need sound to be turned on.

EDIT: V1.1. Ok, after thinking a bit about the math, here's the more accurat version. The visual disc handling and the sound modification are now more realistic.

I have sinned.

I wrote the ugliest code in my professional careeer.

I have been punished.

I have seen my weaker self laughing at me terrible, because of being succumbed to take evil short cuts.

I had nightmares to finish this game, because of my sins.

I'll never do this again.



Jesus! What a rodeo ride the creation of this game was. Due the inner whisper "Ah just one more line and it`s finished,, you don't need any annoing OOP stuff or event system or component based entity model....just look! One more little if and else and you can catch this problem." I wrote the worst spagethi stuff.

As a result in this condition the game is right now, I´m not able to correct a fault I made and to adjust the be smarter than a brainwashed hamster.

My goal for the future is: Not to finish at any cost within the week limitation, instead having a clean, clever reusable code to be proud of.

The result can be played here.

EDIT 1: I have to admit, I totally underestimated the difficulty of making a memory. A cool learning experience for myself!
I fixed the bug, now I can find the right cards and dismiss them when found.

Still there is a ToDo List:

- AI which is plaing against the player
- The juice around the logic, like for example the showing and hiding of the cards....
- More juice: Music and soundeffects.

I will continue this project this week to get hopefully a nicely playable version of it.


This sunday I created a Memory. But I have recognized somewhat late that I've produced a mistake in my card sorting logic. So I have to fix this tomorrow, because I'm getting tired now.

To mix it up, here the look to the inside of the game:

Due this seems to be our week for slowing down the pace, I only write something about my efforts, without having a playable game to show.

My goal was to create a reversi clone, but I haven´t the time to fullfill this plan.It looks like this, but the mechanics are not implemented yet.

This week my inspiration was quite low, so I decided to make what all lousy inspired people do - a clone of something old, but brilliant.

The result is BreakIt, a very simple version of Breakout.

For me, it was a training day for getting to know the new unity standard shader and some procedual shaders I´ve found.Right now, there is only one level and very limited gameplay.

Play it here

My first attempt to produce a litte game in under 10 hours.

The goal of the game is to reproduce the shown color with the help of three colorpots.

- Add one color by pressing the brightcolor buttons on the right side.
- Remove one color by pressing the darkcolor buttons on the right side.

The Game is stored here to play it online.

Have fun!

Edit: V.1.1
- Fixed the button problem
- Changed the input, so you can hold the LMB
- Changed the colorpot colors somewhat cosmetically.
- Added 5 more levels.

Thanks to all commentators for giving great feedback to improve it!

One Game a Week

Create any kind of game - each week

weekly from 2015-03-30 to 2016-03-28