More submissions by Scarfboy for Weekly Music 2017

sucks and i hate it

Just a quick little jam I threw together. Added a movie quote from an old favorite. Enjoy :)

Main bass samples taken from

Finished my remix for Dillon's contest! I've been making a lot of atmospheric music lately so it felt good to break out some 808s.

I started with just a random trap beat I made about a year ago. Stripped it and reconstructed it. About halfway through I kinda stopped caring what other people would think and decided to get a little metal.

I'm pretty proud of it. I think it's decently unique (as far as trap goes) and goes pretty hard. The only problem is I can never get my masters as big and loud as commercial tracks, so as soon as I compare it to any commercially produced song I hate it. Such is life.

Hope you enjoy! Feedback is appreciated :)

- Scarfboy

Weekly Music 2017

Make a musical composition every week

weekly from 2017-01-02 to 2018-01-01