Being a baker can be difficult, you have to get up so early just to make sure the breads ready to sell.

Being an Tortoise takes time. Most reptiles need to lay in the sun for hours to build up heat before moving and your not even known for being a fast one.

You're a manager for an Tortoise who runs a bakery... Good luck getting up!

You're used to managing bakeries and its common for new employees to have trouble getting up. But this one is definitely going to be your biggest challenge yet.

The game itself has you playing as the manager in first person. It is your goal to get the Tortoise up, prepared and at the bakery in time to actually make the bread (I promise he's a really good baker! it all pays off in the end).

Its a point and click game (you can hold things and have a hand you control so its a bit more flowy than a traditional point and click) and you need to set up a path for the Tortoise that pleases it by placing things like heat lamps and maybe some food to create a path.

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More submissions by samwigram for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

You play as a doll that has come to life within a doll house. Confused with your new existence you are then scared by the approaching giant hands that descend upon you.

The game has you trying to hide similar to a horror game through an incredibly elaborate doll house. All the other beings inside the house have also come to life and you can converse with your new roommates through out to make friends and find out more about where you are.

You soon find out you are the only doll who can move of its own volition. You can also lend this power to other dolls for a limited time but it has a cool down period. As such the game has you lead your friends down several potential paths through your decisions. On whether you will confront the human violently, try to escape or try to make piece with it.

Through it you deal with many social issues such as the groundbreaking discovery that there isn't a 4th wall. Doll's who grow bored from the furniture that doesn't function and those who find enjoyment in playing with the human. As the only one with the power to move the decisions ultimately come down to you and who's beliefs you trust more.

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A multiplayer game where you fight each other using characters you draw. The catch is that you have a time limit to draw all of your parts. The game is all about having fast paced short character creation that greatly effects how the characters play to make every play session feel different.

To start the game players are given 30 seconds to decide on a build using menus. What body they want, what weapons they want and any other special abilities. These decisions help create a guideline on how to draw something that behaves that way as well as potentially giving you different base stats from the get go.

You are then given 1 minute to draw everything you will use. Characters will always be given at least 20 seconds minimum and the rest of the objects will be split in the rest of the time.

An important thing to take into account is the balance of the character. If you create a big sword chances are its going to drop to the ground due to weight distribution if you have not drawn a counter weight.

An emotional game about a group of animal erasers. The game features a few short story lines featuring each of the different animal erasers before having one final climax using all of them.

The game play is that of a platformer where you erase everything you touch after moving off of it. Some surfaces wont rub off but others will work like temporary platforms. Using this mechanic you have to traverse levels in a nonlinear fashion to solve puzzles as the level becomes clearer and clearer the long you traverse it.

Each eraser has its own personality and has to come to grips with the way they are becoming dirtier from just trying to traverse through life. As well as deal with the very visible signs of decay their bodies are going through. To make them more unique each animal eraser will have a mechanic unique to it (a giraffe could use its long neck to hook on things) to help separate them from being simple reskins.

The climax ends with all the erasers coming together and realizing that they can use the dirt they've collected through their short lives to make a literal mark on the world. These final levels reverse the earlier mechanic by instead having you use the dirt on them to create marks for each other to use. The end of the game will feature a quick time event cut scene ending with them creating one final art piece make entirely of rubber smudging.

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A new mmo that took its support class too seriously.

You play as the main support class in a hip new mmo. All your moves deal no damage and give no stat boosts. Most players consider you useless however you understand the true power of support.

Using your array of support moves you must raise the hidden stat of morale to your party members. Other actions you can take to raise morale include things such as acting as a body shield for someone else or managing to actually take down a small enemy.

Many party members will try to kick you out of the party but you must try to convince them to let you stay. Either through being friendly of just plain bribery. What these buffoons don't realize is that the heightened morale is actually giving them incredible hidden stat boosts. But most of all that their heightened spirits are actually benefiting their lives for the better by making them more optimistic.

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Physical World is a game about applying physics in paintings. The game takes place across a range of paintings. Although a lot are just levels with an art style to make them look like real world paintings. It also has a mode where you traverse many famous or not so famous paintings from real life.

The games concept is simple. Each painting has an objective and to reach it you must touch pieces of the painting to bring them to life. Objects touches will essentially start being effected by physics. For example a ball in midair would fall to the ground then bounce. For something they come to life like a bird mid flight would continue its path off of the canvas and as such off screen.

The game aims to be a relaxing puzzle game that could be played on any device due to its simple controls while also being able to offer insight into the pieces they use. For real world paintings levels could be played through as 'exhibits' where every level is a painting from the same artist. Before each painting would be backstory into the painting itself, or the painter.

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Tape is a puzzle game where players are given multiple pieces of paper and are told to tape them together to create shapes.

The game features two modes. One mode is a multiplayer version where players all have the same amount of tape and the same pieces of paper. Each player can create any object they like with the paper and title it. All players the judge each others and the one with the most likes wins that round.

The other mode is a single player campaign where you have to try recreate the shape shown using the paper and limited tape. The big twist in single player mode is when you mess up you get to see the players controlled character get enraged and go down the wrong path in life from there on. All because YOU couldn't tape the paper together right. My inspiration comes from my own frustration at taping another prototype board only to realize that i messed up the place count.

The world ends on the upcoming date of September 8th. EVERYONE knows this. But apparently some people don't. Not accounting for this your lecturers have created a hand in on that day. What a waste! I wanted to enjoy the end of the world and life as we know it! Not running in to hand something in!

Not all is lost though. Even now the world is breaking apart and holes are appearing. Maybe if I write hard enough near these holes I can hand in my assignment using time travel and still enjoy the end of our short-mortal lives to the fullest!

The game acts as a rythm game except uses an unusual layout of a paper being written. The game uses a collection of swiping to write, taping to place full stops and holding to go down a line. You don't need to know what to write but just make sure you do the correct actions to the rythm like any other rythm game. The writing may potentially include some humour to entertain the player as well.

In this game instead of a fever mode you enter a danger zone. These danger zones are the holes of the world falling apart. If the collective sum of time in the danger zone is long enough over all the remaining levels you will be able to jump through time to hand in your assignment (this is obviously a final level)

You have a power that enables you to turn into a fish when in water. However somethings gone wrong and not only do you not have control of this power but its reversed! Forced to become a fish when on land you have to flop and bounce to get around. While in the water you become human again, you have a decent amount of breath likely due to your power but its not infinite.

As the fish you have the power to wall jump and jump really high (technically its just a really powerful flop). You cant grab anything but you can use your momentum to knock things over.

As a human you are able to grab and throw things. As you are swimming you also have very free movement.

The game revolves around clearing obstacles in one path to allow you to make it further in the other form by either draining/filling water or just moving obstacles.

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A puzzle game that plays with scale. In this game every single hole or doorway (basically anything you can put something through) is connected to another opening else where. The thing is that objects retain the same scale ratio to the opening the enter as the one they exit. So putting a small rock through a ring that's linked to an archway would result with a giant boulder coming out.

The puzzles themselves will usually revolve around moving the openings to place things in the right spot. Momentum is conserved through the openings so throwing something through an opening to knock over something much bigger on the other side can be used. The balance is that a lot of the times the big openings and big objects cannot be moved on their own. Yet smaller objects can be easily thrown.

When used with objects like water it will increase or diminish the amount of water. If given the chance the player can also go through these openings to change scale and enter more secretive parts of the level. Or just grow giant.

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Everyone in the world has finally become friends with one another. Practically world peace at this point. No need to worry. And what do you do with free time? Obviously you go on a vacation! Earth has packed its things and it going to go off on a road trip to visit another part of the universe.


these friendships are incredibly shallow. As the least liked person in the entire earth no one wants YOU to come on this trip and ruin the fun. So you got chucked out of earth and left behind.

Scared of being left behind and determined to make some friendships you chase after the earth as it speeds away on your trusty space ship the Friend-Ship.

The game works as a classic shooter game with you chasing the earth, while the earth uses whatever resources it dislikes as ammunition to throw at you. So determined to leave you behind they station people behind the earth to stop you (ordered from least liked to most liked within the inner circle obviously).

Through your interactions with these others "friends" who have been left behind AND by defeating them you create REAL friendships aboard the Friend-Ship.

Using the true power of friendship you will eventually VANQUISH THE INNER CIR---

or rather you go off and find a better planet to hang out on and have fun on (in the true ending atleast, in the normal ending you do vanquish the inner circle)

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You play as a homeless person. You have no money and no possessions. You have to beg or scavenge to survive. As the game progresses some kind people might give you money. From here your journey begins, you play each year of your life from here on out as a short series of events from through out the year. You will encounter situations where you lose money or perhaps you get mugged. These might in turn lead to situations where its up to some kind person to donate you money to continue.

On the flip side there are situations where you can in turn donate to others. Or invest in opportunities. Or maybe even steal from someone. Before you go out you can decide how much money to take with you, this will limit the amount you can both get stolen but also how much you can give.

The crux of the game is that the amount you receive is actually the amount other players of the game have given preciously (the first players will be given stuff from the devs). It will be kept a secret until a player reaches the end of their life - so finish the game. Afterwards its revealed who stole from you, how the people you helped did and who gave you help.

The game itself is to act more as a social experiment. Both to see how people act before its revealed and also to see how these actions change when its common knowledge. Will their be increase in robberies when people know its other players? or will people start giving even more money to each other.

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In DJ-Dodjer you play as a DJ running from the law. Where else is better to hide than in the middle of a dancing crowd!

With your wireless control setup you must use the pace of the music to avoid being seen while traversing levels. The game works as a platformer/stealth game. Changing the type of music will make people who are dancing act in different ways and so obscure different area's from view. In some areas you might have to duck or jump to the beat to make sure you aren't seen, using certain types of music to make the path in the first place.

The second issue you face is controlling the flow of the night as you traverse each level. High energy songs might be really helpful, but if you play too many in a row dancers will start getting tired and walk away leaving less area for you to hide. To add to this each venue has a certain style of music that's favoured there. Using only music within its preferred style will give you bonuses while also acting as a hard mode by limiting your options.

It also would be viable to let people import their own music and have the game or perhaps the player decide which style it fits into. This would potentially change how the dancers act slightly too.

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You own a magical highlighter. It enables you to view other peoples speech as text and highlight parts. Parts of text that are highlight become a 'highlight' of the persons life. The game works as a point and click adventure where you try to manipulate how people feel about things to get what you want. The game involves trying to get the people you interact with to use certain words. Or trying to make them perform certain actions by making them go to certain places because its the joy of their life.

To make things interesting any word you have highlighted you lose the ability to use that word yourself. Meaning any multilayered puzzle will require you to be frugal with which words you emphasise as you might find yourself in harder situations down the line. Like you might find you need to use a certain as a password or something along those lines. Which might lead to a situation where you try convince someone else that 1. they want to do it for you, 2. what the word is and 3. actually using it.

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A competitive matching game where instead of matching two of the same cards you have to match a portrait to the real person. The catch is that the portrait isn't of the person in question but rather of what the person aspires to be, or how they view themselves. Each person has a description, and they most likely wont have a direct link to their portrait. But rather offer clues to what type of person they are, and its up to you to find the portrait that fits their personality.

To add to it the portraits contain descriptions about the relations between the people. ie the drama between them. This can be used to create combo's if used correctly. If you link the person to a portrait you can then link it to another person (and then their portrait). Using this method players can take many pieces off the board and will also get multiplied scores. However the risk is that as it takes more time to work out its possible that a link in the chain might be solved by the other player meaning its not possible to create the chain.

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Being a vampire can be hard depending what universe you live in. No one seems to appreciate that light reflects. In this game you play as a vampire and try to get through levels spending as little time inside lit area's as possible. The issue being that places with no light are, as expected, pitch black.

It's not all bad though as you do get access to neat powers such as gliding, or possessing people. Possessing people can be used tactically to 'see' area's without actually going into the light, or even take out enemies from safety. But isn't always great for time as you cant move while you posses someone (under normal circumstances. There may be a few tricks to keep you moving snuck in, like picking up a box or a moving platform)

The game focuses on trying to test how well the player can remember and visualize their movements through the dark. As all time spent in lit area's causes damage. The game records your time and health remaining to leader boards so you can compete to get the fastest time both using light and avoiding it completely.

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You're the most successful business man out there. People fear you. Some say it is because you are extremely cold hearted that you got this far. But that's not the case! you are definitely warm blooded, because you are in fact a penguin! A bossy one at that, you practically own the whole damn market, boss of everything! Your tactics work despite how brutal people seem to think they are. hmph.

In this game you play as the boss of many successful companies. You also play as a penguin. Without hands you don't need to hold papers, many would consider this a downside but to you its an upside. Instead of wasting time reading through whatever dumb papers come your way you can just make a quick judgement and use you flippers for a extraordinarily satisfying slap so hit away the deals you don't want to sign.

People may get angry, but its worked so far. Sometimes you need to step away from your desk and boost morale. Yet again these flippers are incredibly useful. A quick slap to the face and employees work harder than ever! Trapped in a business meeting ay? I guess its time for your secret weapon.

Drown out the unwanted talking with your squawking, but make sure to leave the bits you want. In fact, why not just squawk out the bad bits and string together the good bits to make the deal go your way.....

"I'm willing to - squawk, squawk, give - squawk, you - squawk dollars".

Sounds pretty good to me!

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You play as a flower breeder who eventually takes it to the extreme. You begin with simple flower breeder. Your goals are to make simple flower hybrids, changing things like colour and the like. This acts as a tutorial. Fairly soon though, you realize you have an extreme talent for this thing and begin creating other plant hybrids. Mixing things like Venus fly traps and tree's to get giant meat eating trees or lily pads with dandelions to get puffy lily pads. The sky isn't even the limit with your plant hybrid concerned.

In fact you are so good even non-plant materials seem to be receptive to breeding. Mixing thing like helicopter into living plants. Using these powers its up to the player to decide the fate of the world and not lose too much popularity without decent support. As your business expands you will be able to see the effects your new found super plants have on the planet. The aim of the game is to try create plants that will lead humanity to a better place... or just make death machine plants and watch the world burn.

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You are old, practically the last of your kind. At this point in time the idea of buttons is beyond us. Everything just works using electromagnetic waves from the brain or some other more sci-fi reason. But something happened. A mutation? A disease? Its hard to tell but for some reason its interfering with our technology. None of its working!. We think some documents exist on this matter, but its inside this weird contraption with bits that press in? How weird.

This is where you come in, with your vague knowledge of "buttons" its up to you to teach the youth of the world how to use these weird physical devices. You're quite old at this point so moving is a pain, but these young'ins can do all the walking for you. The game play works as follows. A set amount of people come to you each level and try describe what weird contraption they have come across (these will be regular items we use today like a keyboard or a microwave). Its up to you to try decipher which item them are talking about and give back advice pertaining the that object.

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Balloon Fight is a multiplayer versus game with a simply premise. You each have 3 balloons that you can fill with various materials. and you have 3 fans to manage. The aim of the game is to score points by hitting the opponent with balloons, different locations offer different points. Balloons the player owns will give significantly more points upon hitting the opponent compared to hitting the opponent with their own balloons.

Although the player owns 3 (or potentially more) balloons. They have the option on when to throw out their balloons, and are able to give a different angle and power upon releasing them. Different balloons will act differently. Obviously a helium balloon will float while a water balloon would drool across the ground. But other aspects like how full a balloon is will effect its speed and how many points it gives upon successful hit.

The other aspect of the game is the fans. Both play have 3, and are able to station them and change their angle anywhere on screen. The game revolves around frantically changing the angle and position of fans to try hit the opponent while defending yourself.

A final mechanic is the ability to pop one of your own balloons to send out a short burst of air, or potentially wet the ground to cause ballons that touch it to move weirdly.

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Frog Pond is more of a casual platformer. You are a frog and live in a small little pond/cove. Its not massive but its enough for you to make your own little home. The game itself is a physics base platformer, using physics you can move around objects in the pond by either pushing it or using your tongue to drag things. Any changes to the pond will stay the same no matter when you open it.

The gameplay rather than being difficult is meant to be more of a puzzle. Every day (Game is real time) a few unwanted objects will fall into your pond. These objects will usually give a puzzle to dislodge them, or a greater challenge to manage to remove them from the pond (this is what creates the puzzle element). Objects removed from the pond will give you points to use in purchasing objects you have encountered from the shop. If an object that fell could really spruce up your pond you can simply use it a a decoration.

To add to the appeal friends are able to visit and vice verse. To make you frog design decisions worth something

MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2016-07-19 to 2016-09-09