I wrote a summary of my second sprint about the world editor and a technical article as the first in a series on developing games in elm about functional programming. This one has proven quite popular and got quite a bit of activity on twitter which was nice!

Sprint Two - World Editor : http://gelatindesign.co.uk/project-iso/sprint-two-...

Developing Games in Elm - Functional Programming : http://gelatindesign.co.uk/developing-games-in-elm...

Great work I think as developers it's great to write from the different perspectives.

More submissions by jellyislovely for The 52 Week Game Dev Blog Challenge!

This week I published my second article in a series on developing games in elm. I introduce using signals to make your game reactive and compare them to the more traditional event pattern.

Read it on gelatindesign.co.uk - "Developing Games in Elm: Signals"

I've decided to split my devblog into non-technical and technical articles. I want to discuss some of the challenges and lessons I learn as I work with a new language, Elm, whilst not alienating non-programmers.

I've completed the first non-technical blog, and I reckon I'll be able to squeeze in a technical one this week as well.

Sprint One - Experiments

The 52 Week Game Dev Blog Challenge!

Can you write a blog a week for 52 Weeks!?

weekly from 2015-02-01 to 2016-02-01