Submissions from 2018-01-04 to 2018-01-05 (24 total)

a little action figure we ordered back before christmas came in today and I love it!!! it's really good to use for proportions

Was inspired by the show Invader Zim over the holidays. So I made this creepy little cutie in Procreate for fun.

A submission for Daily Art Club

I should make more houses for the game. But they're very annoying to implement still.

A submission for Daily Art Club

cool to see so many new submitters!

Still need to add highlights + ground. Also figured out mentally how to work out my sand tile.

A submission for Daily Art Club

photo reference used

A submission for Daily Art Club

Nothing but self indulgence today :y

  • 15 minutes dedication
  • #pico8 colors (all)
  • 20x18 pixels canvas
  • Theme: characters that I love

I didn't put much time in this today. I have much more other work to do as a non-artist. :D But I need to keep the ball rolling, so, here it is.

Main problem is color palette. I keep modifying the palette while drawing and this does not help. I should try to do black and white for a while. :D

(technically yesterday but I can't figure out how to post it there D: D: D: )