Submissions from 2016-12-19 to 2016-12-20 (8 total)

A submission for Daily Art Club

30 sec hand gestures (+1 10 min stuy) and coloring experimentation

Finished! Here's drawing of Dudley from SF3rd Strike. He's sort of fun to draw when you exaggerate his face a bit!

i've had this image in my head for a long time

i would've liked to add more random symbolic parts to it, but that would require me to actually develop a story

edit: god damnit ash, attempted to draw a cute kissing pic with lana being tall and turns out i don't know how to draw tall people

A submission for Daily Art Club

I'd like to start drawing again and try to improve in 2017

Doodled myself today to wind down after work

A submission for Daily Art Club

My phone recognized three of these as faces, so that's a win.