Submissions from 2018-05-09 to 2018-05-10 (2 total)

Added some more steering behaviors. The first one was a "path follow" which actually isn't so much a steering behavior, as a planner for the Seek behavior.

Next was "Cohesion" which is the opposite of Separation: it induces entities to stay together. This is added to the 3 red dudes in the following video. Notice how they 'try' to stay together, while the other main groups spread out.

Nothing new on the game front, but, after I wrapped up my Ludum Dare 41 entry a few weeks ago, I decided I should take some time and refine/refactor the handful of utility scripts that I find myself always reusing when I make games. Tonight's efforts revolved around refinements to a few of my 2D Projectile functions. There's nothing mind blowing here, but, if you find yourself doing the same thing more than once, you ought to make a reusable function for it

Trace Projectile - Given a projectile's initial position and rotation, create a list of Vector3 of points that trace out the projectile's trajectory -- Useful for rendering flight paths with a LineRenderer component.

Calculate Projectile Firing Solution - Calculates the firing angle needed for a projectile with the given speed to hit a target from the given firing position.

Line of Sight - Given an origin and target, determine if the target can be 'seen' by the origin