Submissions from 2018-01-28 to 2018-01-29 (3 total)

Once again, my group project has been sucking my mojo away from gamedev, but I managed to be decently productive for ~2hrs of time.

  • The Player and the Blob were duplicating a lot of code for things like: monitoring when an ability finished, updating passive traits every turn, updating their combat component every turn. I refactored that into a base class, and now they're only different in logical ways.

  • Generalized the StunTrait that gets applied by certain attacks to be any PassiveTrait via another ScriptableObject hierarchy. Technically, I could make an attack that gives the enemy the passive ActionRegen trait upon hitting, neat!

Here is a GIF of the Grenade ability imparting a 3 turn 'blind' state. Blind will eventually have some effect on combat (lower accuracy?) but for now it doesn't actually do anything:

Had a party with friends yesterday (that’s why I broke the streak), and I was tired and quite depressed today… so I only worked a little bit on the prototype.

End of day 28 and you can add an ingredient to a tool. wow xD
I spent most of the day refactoring and made a bunch of changes
e.g. a statemachine that controls the purpose of the action and dodge/abort button
also custom comparation so that items will get stacked only if they have the same values

I had a point in the day where I wanted to delete everything and start anew, but I could hold myself back. Sometimes you got to push through - and that is hard!

See the changes on my github:
(I've also begun to break up commits into smaller parts)