Submissions from 2017-10-07 to 2017-10-08 (1 total)

Finally got some time to test if the iOS build that compiled on Wednesday actually worked on my wife's iPhone. Drumroll please.... It did!

So after that, it only took me about 45 minutes of fighting with iTunesConnect to actually submit the app for review. The website wouldn't let me submit my app, claiming I had issues with 'localization', which didn't make sense because I don't claim to localize into any languages (besides English).

After Googling a bit, I found a Stack Overflow answer with exactly my problem. It turns out that sometime between 2014 and now, Apple added a nifty 'media manager' to help you manage your store page screenshots among all the necessary resolutions. This problem is, however, that its default behavior is to re-use all your 5.5" screenshots as 3.5". This is all well and good, but if you provide 3.5" screenshots, Apple assumes you're localizing into some esoteric regions (I honestly don't even know which ones), and you will need to provide the corresponding localized text for the store page as well (which I wasn't doing on purpose).

Anyway, after removing the 3.5" auto-generated screenshots, iTunesConnect no longer thought I was trying to localize into Zimbabwe or wherever, and I was able to submit. Now it's in the review queue, and hopefully it will go through on the first try. Then I can get to work on the next game!