Submissions by s-ol tagged 2d

i've seen the general idea done a couple of times, but this was a nice exercise in geometry.

I'm pretty sure theres a better way of constructing the outer polygon from one of it's vertices and the edge angle, but I'm just rotating it back and translating to get it to stick vertex-to-vertex which feels kind of weird (and unreadable).

Source on github (moonscript)

damn it, late to submit again. Will try to do another one in time this week...

for the interested: code on github

Missed last week :/
Well I made two "holosphere" ones so I guess... still going? :D

not exactly sure what this is.

man, inspiration is hard to come by. Rewrote schedulör from scratch, have yet to port the old loops over to the new engines (and fix their looping!), so no source until then. It's messy anyway.