Submissions from 2015-04-06 to 2015-04-07 (4 total)

944 words to finish "Dream about Daddy." A total of 2016 words in the story. Tomorrow, I'll be starting a story that's been in my head for a long time. I think of it as an introduction to a collection of short stories that may be unrelated to each other, but all take place in the same universe.

but I'm not going to post it so maybe it doesn't count. But it's 214 words. Am I splitting hairs? Hey, it's writing.

Wiped dust off my account and pretended to write something in English to pass the 200 words mark.
Will work on the 750 limit throughout the year, I think I can devote my lunch break to writing.

Yeah, I am proud I have started this thing.

A submission for 200 words each day 65

Forced 200 Words out of me, although it didn't feel good. Gonna try something different tomorrow.