Submissions from 2015-05-19 to 2015-05-26 (3 total)

2 days of normal practice - still working on Game of Thrones mostly and a few other pieces. Every time I try GoT I use a different fingering. I'm still not positive what I like best, but I think I'm close to pulling out a pencil and making some choices lol.

1 other day of improv trying to figure out some metal chords - unsuccessfully. But it was fun, which currently is the point.

I'm back home with my dog, i can work on my new song (La danse de l'ours).

  • Wednesday : My dog just discovered the sound of my melodeon, he loves it and listens :D. I begin to play with both hand together :).
  • Sunday : 20 minutes

Je suis de retour à la maison avec mon chien, je peux travailler mon nouveau morceau (La danse des ours).

  • Mercredi : Mon chien découvre le son de mon accordéon diatonique, il aime beaucoup et m'écoute jouer :D. Je commence à jouer des deux mains en même temps :).
  • Dimanche : 20 minutes

I’m back home!

  • Wednesday: 1h with the teacher, he’s happy with the study by Bréval so we start the next piece I’ll be working on for the next few days: Minuetto by Éxaudet.
  • Friday: 1h of Minuetto by Éxaudet.