Submissions from 2015-04-14 to 2015-04-15 (1 total)

The main gates now behind them and receding every moment, Urcea had time to appreciate the swift animal grace of the boy. He somewhat glided along the polished but ancient stones of the walk.
The wall on her right was high, spotted with ornate, high doors recessed and set upon a short flight of stairs. To the left, a great courtyard gleamed in golden light, shining in on their path so that now they were bathed in golden warmth, now they passed through an almost wintry shade.
Here the roof was perhaps one hundred hands above her. At intervals along their way, great tapestries hung in the open spaces. One theme in particular caught her eye. She surmised it to be the very Rainbird. A giant bird flew spread-winged within the tapestry. Beneath the wings, crystals adorned the parti-colored field, as if raindrops flashed within a rainbow.