Submissions from 2024-04-02 to 2024-04-03 (45 total)

Today I made a water shader all on my own (which I've never done before) and while it's a little wonky at times, I think it looks pretty nice. I also lowered the resolution of the game and mostly messed with visual things. Now I have no choice but to actually work on the game tomorrow


So, we had a little setback, because there's still no artist in our team, but hopefully this is temporary.
Yesterday we've planned out our programming tasks and discussed some gameplay details. We've created a github repo, pushed our project and added links to our design doc and task list. Our programmer has finished the fish wandering behavior, attaching a video he sent 😎
Today we're having a sound design discussion and continue our core gameplay development. Day 3 is starting, so naturally we enter a content creation stage of our development cycle.
Fish us luck!!


Day 2 and I have done SOOO much. Especially because exams are tomorrow and I better get enough work today. Firstly, the weapons look soo good now. I especially like the mace, OH MY GOD THE ANIMATION!! I didn't even expect it to look this good, I thought i was gonna look bad but here we are (side note but I didn't make the art. It was one of my friends who wishes to stay anonymous for the time being). Secondly there are UI changes. One is for health and the other is pretty much a difficulty bar. Finally we have enemies! They are extremely simple and I'm planning to possibly add another type but we'll see. Also there's kinda a big diffiulty problem. The game is a lil too hard and easy at the same time so oopsie. Anyway I'll see y'all on Day 3!

2024-04-03 17-40-39.mkv1mb

Created working enemy AI and an enemy spawner (the red dots are supposed to be piranhas). It's pretty chaotic right now, so I will have to adjust the parameters, as well as making my bullets actually work lol. Those will be tomorrow's tasks. Goodnight y'all.


Sadly more work on the character controller and object interactions, but thats ok cause everything else will be build off of that.
Added boyancy and a "jetski" type object

Oh and made more of the main "map" place and a shader for it

I think it will be called "static sea" or someting idk its just having fun ^_^!


Experimenting with small sizes for pixel art here with an extremely limited color palette, not sure if I'll stick with this style yet, but these will at least be my placeholders when I set up the game.

I have added a movement system and the obstacles that you will be facing. I added them all in this picture together but it probably wouldn't in the actual game. Speaking of this game will change from a racing game to a try to survive game and you try to survive as long as possible. But i will not change the title of the devlog just cuz lol.

I added the ability to hide in seaweed today

hello again.
Today I made a ton of models for all the art and stuff, so now the game actually looks good, there are still a few things i gotta model, but for the most part it's all finished. I added a Drive-Thru window, where customers can pull up and order, made a song that repeats in the background, although I'm most likely going to replace it, added a meter on the side of the screen that slowly ticks up, this is your suspicion meter, and I also added Finn the Fish.
I will begin working on the cooking part of the game tomorrow.



Good evening everyone I'm back for my second log about a game where a fish works to detonate a nuclear powerplant (see past post for context). This is my first game jam and I am a completely solo dev so keep that in mind!

Here are a few things I've done since yesterday:
1 Made a death system with an a quick auto respawn system to get you back in the game as fast as possible
2 made a checkpoint system where you set your respawn point for you next death
3 game a screen wipe for when you die so that death is less jaring
4 made it so that the tilemap spikes now kill the player
5 made an indestructible enemy that moves back and forth between two visible points and kill the player on contact
6 made a door with a button that you need to shoot to open
7 using all above I made the first level for the game featuring ~7 interconnected rooms
8 added a death counter

I only had about 3 hours to work today so less has been done than i would have prefered but ive also begun working on the first few tracks of the game using beepbox

I entered this jam with my wife today.
As I entered a little late, I don't have too much progress to show. We brainstormed an idea to make an adventure game based on simple minigames and a fetch quest for the jam.

The game will be about a little clownfish who will be in debt with the fish mafia due to a trap set up by his roommate. He'll need to do some errands for the mafia so they spare his life.

We already created the main character and I set up some basics on Godot, like player input, created a simple test room with some assets I bought before and started setting up transition between rooms.

Tomorrow I plan to do some more progress, since we already rounded up the idea.

Made some movement for the game that has no name. Hopefully, I can speed up progress and get a background going tomorrow.


Second Day and this is already becoming epic

If Video Wont Down load

Fishenstein Trailer.mp465mb

I honestly haven't done much, and I don't want to spoil what my game is about, so I'm just going to put an image of the bad art I made for this.

also the scene looks different when the game is actually running, this is a kinda bad image.

Added actual enemies!

Ok, actually most of the time went to drawing (yes even though the fish look like they do) and making the spawner, but now new enemies can be integrated with ease.

Hopefully I get more than one enemy done tomorrow. Maybe even some animations.

Deep Dive Preview 2.mp49mb

Im using that fish sprite as a proto, aka programmer art

Today I worked on the Fish Spawning and Following

basically the all the fish follow around the yellow fish (the player)

the first clip was me just messing around and the second shows a more realistic group of fish in game


Making a menu for the game.

Hey yall! This is my first game jam, and I'm super glad to be here! :D

I was sick yesterday so I wasn't able to work on the game, but I'm feeling much better now!

I made a mockup of what I want to do for the game; I'm going to be doing all the assets and programming myself in Unity, with the sounds being made by a friend!

Hope everyone will enjoy!

Progress was kinda slow today, I'm hoping to speed up development tomorrow
