Submissions from 2015-08-13 to 2015-08-14 (3 total)

AI rising

A submission for Make games. 201

Started implementing a very dumb AI, called Alpha. I was hoping I could get it to work tonight, but I didn't have enough time to write the AI wrapper.

I envision a system where I iterate upon the AI's 'intelligence' through abstraction. In other words, using generic methods that I override on a per-AI-subclass basis:

class AIBase extends MonoBehavior
    protected List<Unit> GetUnitsWeCanAttack()
        // return the list of units

    protected List<Tile> GetTilesWeCanMoveTo()
        // return the list of tiles

    // methods that children will override
    protected virtual Unit ChooseUnitToAttack() {}
    protected virtual Tile ChooseTileToMoveTo() {}

class AlphaAI extends AIBase
    override protected Unit ChooseUnitToAttack()
        // return the closest unit

    override protected Tile ChooseTileToMoveTo()
        // return a random tile within range

I added some sniffing for mybacklog to set up it's attachment to the user's steam account automatically - as long as they have steam installed first and to the default directory. I also realized that I can just reuse my web api key rather than end users having to get one. You can still set your own web api key, but if you leave it blank it will default to mine. Should make it a lot easier for eventual end users to get it set up and try it out.

A submission for Make games. 201

Not much to show. Ran through a lot of art/design. Deleted a lot of work. What to do with the bgs...