Submissions from 2015-02-01 to 2015-02-02 (9 total)

A submission for Make games. 8

Did not work at all during the super bowl lol. Like that was going to happen. But I managed to work up enough perseverance to do a tiny bit when I got home. I tried working on a lot of things, but wasn't really feeling the creative energy to mess with conversations or ai. Instead, I added a way to place items in the map when the map is loaded, and put some logs around that you can pick up. Simple, but necessary. Still took me about an hour and a half :P And there is a bug if you pick up and drop logs enough.

So my lack of submissions has mainly been due to studying for exams, but in my study breaks today I put what I've learned so far about parsers to work to make a little toy interpreter, its messy, it interprets during the parse (bad), and its not a game (I want a way to have this streak include code projects but maybe then it'd be too general, I'd like suggestions on that if anyone cares).

But this is a sample input file that will successfully parse and interpret (yes, this is all the logic, there is no maths or anything, and those are actually string values)

edit: made a motivation booster in my toy language lol:

note = what_game_are_you_working_on
print note
input game
rightchoice = false
choice = blank
if game = hta rightchoice = true end
if game = heavier_than_ait rightchoice = true end
if rightchoice = true
    note = good_now_get_back_to_work
    print note
    note = what_the_hell_are_you_doing_get_the____back_to_work
    print note
    note = are_you_back_working_on_it_yet
    print note
    input choice 
    if choice = y choice = Y end
    if choice = yes choice = Y end
    if choice = Y
        note = lucky_bastard_now_youre_not_getting_smacked
        print note
        note = knock_knock
        print note
        note = im_gonna_smack_you
        print note

Just polished up/commented a bunch of code, some minor bug fixes, etc.

Documentation almost done... wrote the story section. Nothing too fancy, enough to give the setting and feel of the game.


Today and yesterday I have worked on a little interactive experiment for a (relaxed) game jam: Mini Ludum Dare #56 - Pick 'n' Mix

I use the challenge "Make a game that uses all/most keyboard keys"

So far I have made a lot of high buildings, that all have a keyboard key attached to them. And when you click on a key, the building of that key gets bigger. Also, I make the game in Unity.

Today I tried out Autodesk Maya for the first time, and created a model for the buildings.

It's not really a game but just a visual thing, but hopefully I'll make some "goal" to achieve.

I'll post more pictures tommorow.

That was all,


I have two sets of character animations done.

I plan to add several characters, some with different mechanics, ala "1001 Spikes," but for now I just have a female and male version of the play character from the original "One Room Dungeon". I rigged them up to the same input so you can compare animations in the attached GIF.

(I also worked on a secret mechanic today. I'll detail it when it's ready to show off! :-])

Hello everyone, as I said, I won't have much time in the next couple days, so I made a new level. It kinda looks like a koth arena with 4 pillars, doesn't it? I wonder why there are 4 pillars...

So as my last brief entries highlighted I've been busy learning Game networking using the Photon Cloud solution for the competitive puzzle game that we are developing. Today I integrated the first bit of actual code, and have the player movement synced between the two players. Even better, I was able to build it and look at it on my Vita (I'm using unity and the PSM Sony development program).

The screenshot below is taken from the Unity editor, but the pink board is for a player networking from my Vita.

The creatures in the board are render to textures (something else I learned how to implement this weekend) and will act as cheer squad for the players. There isn't a texture ready for them yet so I just dumped one of the included particle textures on them to give them some form.

This week will see the implementation of actual game-play as well as investigation about how I can include local game in offline mode but still reuse code that I wrote for the networked version.