Submissions from 2015-09-11 to 2015-09-12 (1 total)

Morning weight: 147.2

#Bench (speed / power)

  • 135 x 5 x 2
  • 135 x 6
  • 145 x 6 x 5

#Squat (speed / power)

  • 135 x 10
  • 185 x 5
  • 225 x 5 x 5

#Deadlift (hypertrophy)

  • 135 x 10
  • 185 x 10
  • 225 x 10
  • 275 x 10 x 5

Trying out day3 of my DUP program to prepare my body for next week when the real program starts. Those high volume deadlifts are killers. It's definitely wise to do them on Friday so my body have the weekend to recover. Overall I think my body can handle the load. Hopefully next week would be a success. I'm excited to finally get on a structured program.

Bench Vol: 6,510lb
Bench INOL: 1.493571429
Squat Vol: 7,900lb
Squat INOL: 1.372037338
Deadlift Vol: 19,200lb
Deadlift INOL: 2.478618421