I didn't update yesterday, so I lost my streak.

It's only 2 days until I'm supposed to release my game, and it won't be ready, so I'm delaying it to the 7th of March. I'm sorry for making everyone wait longer to play.

On the bright side, I put some new things in my game. Combat works for all characters now, and feels much better.

I also started adding a new robot enemy.

pi_pi39 years ago

GJ man. I'll make sure to play it once it's released.

Make games.

Work on some aspect of a game, let's say 5 days a week.

daily from 2015-01-25 to 2016-01-25

"One Room Dungeon" remake

Remaking my Ludum Dare game "One Room Dungeon" one day at a time.

daily from 2015-01-27 to 2015-02-28